Me too
Ego ego
I hear you darling
pulling me across the floor
faster faster faster
more more.
Clothes and makeup
hair and a smile
I’ve got
to give you
a rest
for awhile.
Too much time
planning for the next
taking today
to be here
just this text.
Ego Ego
I know you’re scared
trying to keep alive
keep from pain
keep from vulnerabilty
keep from
too much growth.
It’s true
I get you.
I do. I do.
But alas this life
is not only for you.
It’s for deeper missions
and inside transitions
and head to the ground
full prostration
And a terrible wild
night full of stars
to awaken
the dream at last
fallen into ash.
I hear you love
I hear you light
I hear you Great Intelligence
I won’t turn from you
keep me constant
keep me true.
No more dividing-
I’m open to you
and you and you.
Heart Light growing stronger
I linger no longer
in the veils of seperation
time is now for co creation.
Show me my judgement
that I might give it
up today
I am open to see
what I have placed in my way.
And as many keep posting
and sharing their stories
me too
me too
no shame, no glories.
Just a wink and a reach
out across time
to say to my brothers and sisters
Divine we all are
and divine we shall be
let us help
one another
to heal and become free.
I see where I too
have created
some pain
and with years of self forgivness
I released the shame.
For we’ve all been confused
and at times forgotten
who we are,
now is time
to come together
to become like stars.
Little lights
to heal darkness
and take down
the walls,
this is for you
all my people
let us not stall.
let us not wait
any longer to be
the light that we are
that Love
our true power
in this humanity.